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Whitefriars Primary School

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Whitefriars Primary School






Dates for Open Days:

To Be Confirmed



Parents Evening for new starters in September 2024:

6th June 2024 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm



Please see presentation below


Whitefriars Primary Reception Presentation for September 2024

Whitefriars Primary School EYFS Introduction

We made a number of short videos to introduce parents to our school, some of our staff and what we have to offer.

This is our first short video which takes you round the Reception classes.

Whitefriars Primary Introduction Video

We created this virtual tour of our school so you can have a "virtual" look around.



Children are accepted into this school in the September prior to their fifth birthday.  The cut-off date is August 31st and any child who is five after this date will start school the following year.  [If your child has a birthday in July or August you may delay the start of school - please speak to the headteacher or see the details on the Admissions website at]


All admissions are dealt with by the local authority (North Northants Council School Admissions).


If you wish to apply for a place in Reception you should make an online application by the closing date, which is by 5:00pm on 15th January 2024. See the North Northamptonshire Council link below.    


Late applications are unlikely to result in a place being offered at Whitefriars.  Please note places are not allocated on a first-come first-served basis - all applications will be considered at the same time after the closing date.


Parents wishing to apply for a place other than in Reception for their child should complete an 'in year' application with NNC Schools Admissions.


On the application you will be asked to state your first, second and third choice of schools. If the school is oversubscribed places are allocated by the council using specific guidelines:

Oversubscription Criteria

Places will be allocated to pupils who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan that names the school as appropriate provision. 


When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:


 I. Children in public care, or previously in public care but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements order or special guardianship order;


II. Pupils who live in the linked area of Knuston Hall; 


III. Pupils with a brother or sister continuing at the school at the time of admission of the child;


IV. Pupils who live closer to the school than any other school;


V. Other pupils. 


Tie-breaker: Where two or more applications cannot otherwise be separated, random allocation will be used to decide which applicant should be allocated a place

Whitefriars Reception Induction Video 2020-2021

This is our virtual tour for the new starter children that will be joining us in September. You will see the Reception class rooms along with the other areas where the children will spend their time learning and interacting with others.
