Key Responsibilities
Child Protection/Designated Safeguarding Leader & DeputyDSLs | Lucy Burman Jennifer James Alison Pearce Nikki Barker Louise Parrott
Prevent | Lucy Burman |
Pupil Premium | Lucy Burman |
Inclusion Special Educational Needs Designated Teacher - CLA | Nikki Barker |
Educational Visits Co-ordinator | Lucy Burman |
Junior Lead | Alison Pearce |
Infant Lead | Sam Payne |
Year 6 Assessments & SATs | Alison Pearce |
Year 2 Assessments & SATS | Sam Payne |
Primary Curriculum | Lucy Burman |
Initial Teacher Training | Lucy Burman |
PIXL - Assessment and Tracking | Lucy Burman |
Pupil Voice/School Council | Jennifer James |
Primary Behaviour and Safeguarding | Jennifer James |
Primary Assessment, Data and Reporting to Parents | Lucy Burman |
Health and Safety - Site | Sally Wright |
Curriculum and Pastoral Responsibilities
English | Jennifer James and Ria Kilborn |
Maths | Sam Payne |
Science | Stacey Bunce Phoebe Dickenson |
Early Years Foundation Stage | Genna Parker |
Phonics | Genna Parker |
History | Charlotte Marshall and Rachel Clavey |
RE | Jade Beck |
Geography | Carolyn Ruggiero and Sophie Li |
Sports and PE (including Sports Premium Grant) | Liam Nicell |
Computer Science | Phil West |
Music, Art and Arts Mark | Alison Pearce |
Design | Lucy Burman |
PSHE including British Values | Jennifer James |
Modern Foreign Languages | Lucy Burman |
Mental Health Lead | Kirsten Fulton |
Staff Wellbeing | Sally Wright |